1. Mobilization, Demobilization, Bonding, and Insurance # Item Name, Commodity Code, Description Allow Alternates Qty. UOM Requested Service Delivery S1 Mobilization, Demobilization, Bonding, and Insurance 1 LS - Lump Sum 10/1/2024 to 12/2/2024 Provide the total from Cost Worksheet Line SG1.1. 2. Erosion Control & BMPS # Item Name, Commodity Code, Description Allow Alternates Qty. UOM Requested Service Delivery S1 Install Straw Wattles 11,930 LF - Linear Foot 10/1/2024 to 12/2/2024 Provide extended total from Cost Worksheet Line SG1.2.1. S2 Install Erosion Control Mat 860 SY - Square Yard 10/1/2024 to 12/2/2024 Provide extended total from Cost Worksheet line SG1.2.2 S3 Install and Remove Orange Safety Fence 860 LF - Linear Foot 10/1/2024 to 12/2/2024 Provide extended total from Cost Worksheet line SG 1.2.3. 3. Provide Site Dewatering # Item Name, Commodity Code, Description Allow Alternates Qty. UOM Requested Service Delivery S1 Provide Site Dewatering 1 LS - Lump Sum 10/1/2024 to 12/2/2024 Provide extended total from Cost Worksheet line SG 1.3 4. Provide Water for Dust Control # Item Name, Commodity Code, Description Allow Alternates Qty. UOM Requested Service Delivery S1 Provide Water for Dust Control 45 NL - Load 10/1/2024 to 12/2/2024 Provide extended total from Cost Worksheet line SG 1.4 5. Traffic Control # Item Name, Commodity Code, Description Allow Alternates Qty. UOM Requested Service Delivery S1 Temporary Signage and Traffic Control 1 LS - Lump Sum 10/1/2024 to 12/2/2024 Provide extended total from Cost Worksheet line SG1.5.1 S2 Provide Flaggers 160 HR - Hour 10/1/2024 to 12/2/2024 Provide extended total from Cost Worksheet line SG 1.5.2