The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment and materials necessary to achieve the level of service throughout the term of the contract. This segment is approximately 5 miles each direction, reference post 2.2 – 7.2 (East Lakeshore Drive to Gelande Street), located north of Whitefish, Montana and commonly referred to as “The Big Mountain Road”. Winter maintenance activities to be performed include, but are not limited to, the following: Snow removal and ice control, including plowing and deicing treatments, such as abrasive application and/or the use of other liquid and/or solid chemical agents which aid in snow and ice removal. Snow plowing, abrasive treatments and deicing operations may be continuous throughout the storm. Core hours of service during a storm event are typically between the hours of 4:00 AM and 10:00 PM. The primary objective is to keep the roadway open to traffic and provide an intermittent bare travel lane(s) within 24 hours of the event ending. The exception is when a blizzard and/or other severe forms of weather make conditions such that Maintenance and motor vehicles cannot safely negotiate the traveled way. Shoulders should be cleared as soon as conditions and available manpower and equipment allows. Abrasive treatments and deicing operations are typically conducted during the storm. Performance of said activities shall be done to the satisfaction of MDT. Liquid and/or solid chemicals are required to be listed on the most current Clear Roads Quality Products List (QPL) which can be viewed at the Clear Roads web site: In the event Secondary 487 needs to be temporarily closed for safety concerns due to severe winter weather conditions or other emergency reasons, the successful bidder must notify MDT Kalispell Area Maintenance Chief as soon as feasible. MDT shall close the road if MDT deems it necessary. MDT is the primary authority that can designate and legally close Secondary 487.