1. Site assessments to determine the presence/absence of Critical Areas and confirm their location as defined by SMC 21.04.040(71). 2. Evaluation of development proposals in areas where Critical Areas or other sensitive features exist. 3. Office review, field assessment, and verification of environmental documentation submitted in support of development proposals for compliance with critical areas and other development regulations, including, but not limited to: a. Critical areas reports; b. Wetland delineation reports; c. Stream assessments; d. Ordinary high water delineation reports; e. Habitat assessment reports; f. FEMA BIOP habitat compliance reports; g. Shoreline no net loss reports; h. Geotechnical reports; i. Wetland hydro period reports; j. Mitigation plans, and; k. SEPA checklists. 4. Timely, accurate, and detailed responses to unexpected and regularly scheduled service requests. 5. Field inspections of work associated with Critical Areas restricted sites. 6. Collaborative work in a regulatory environment with other agencies, interest groups, and permit applicants. 7. Attendance of project meetings, public hearings, and public meetings as requested by City staff. 8. Staff and community training and workshops. 9. The creation of memorandums that provide analysis and narrative on how applicant-provided technical reports document compliance with applicable regulations.