Heating Oil Specifications include the purchase of #2 heating oil and oil burner servicing. The bid request is for a fixed price per gallon for an estimated 2,500 gallons to be used by the Town of Atkinson, as well as servicing and two burner cleanings per year per unit. Propane Fuel Specifications - The Propane Fuel Specifications include the furnishing of propane gas, and for service of the propane units, for Town buildings. Bids should be based on an estimated total usage of approximately 20,000 gallons during the year and routine maintenance of the burners over 12 months. The Town buildings are as follows: • Community Center • Fire Station • Kimball Library • Police Station • Town Garage ; The awarded contractor shall provide 24-hour, 7-day per week service is required, and should include at least two check-ups, once in the Spring and once in the Fall, of each unit. Separate fillslips are to be submitted to the Town Administrator, Town Hall, after each filling. Please also include a list of parts that would be covered in a service contract.