DOUBLE YELLOW TOTAL LINEAR FEET = 63,157 Centerline Pavement Markings (Double Yellow) shall be the pavement markings used to delineate the separation of traffic lanes that have the opposite directions of travel on a roadway. It may not always be the geometric center of the road, and it shall be yellow. Painted double center lines shall be four inches wide and shall be separated by discernible space. WHITE LINE TOTAL LINEAR FEET = 127,652 Edge Line Pavement Markings, where indicated shall delineate the right and left edges of a roadway. Edge line markings shall not be continued through intersections but shall not be broken for driveways. Painted edge lines shall be white in color and shall be four inches wide. MATERIAL Quotes shall be based on use of a water-born paint covering approximately 250-300 linear feet per gallon with retro-reflective glass beading added as sprayed. EQUIPMENT Yellow center lines and outer edge fog lines both with applied glass beading shall be applied by means of a truck mounted spray unit.