Preliminary Design services, including Environmental Documentation must be completed for corridor and NEPA approval. Following is a general description of the services. A basic scope of services (SOS) for most categories is included with the RFQ supporting documents. Environmental Services Prepare necessary environmental documentation including other environmental surveys or services necessary to support and complete the NEPA decision-making process. Wetland and Waters of the U.S. (WOUS) delineation services to support NEPA evaluation and a Section 404 Permit application. Development of a 404 Permit application on behalf of NDOT, if necessary. NDOT assumes this project will result in minor wetland or WOUS impacts only, that could be addressed under the Nationwide Permit program. NOTE: Consultant should have the ability to develop an Individual Section 404 Permit application as directed by NDOT should the project design result in WOUS impacts exceeding NWP thresholds. Aid in development of wetland mitigation requirements, if necessary Complete a Noise Study during the design process in accordance with NDOT’s noise guidance documents Re-evaluation of NEPA document after final design is complete. An SOS for this work category is included as Attachment B1...