Shelter Operations The service provider applicant will provide overall shelter operation and case management services to the Housing Stabilization Center, including but not limited to the following activities: • Taking referrals of eligible participants from Coordinated Housing Access (CHA), and conducting rigorous outreach to referred households and facilitating their voluntary placement in the program. • Maintaining access to and scheduling of the stabilization beds. • Conducting Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) intake, annual, and exit paperwork and data entry requirements. • Providing milieu management, including supporting community-building activities among participants and identifying and promoting opportunities for participant involvement and leadership in community activities at the Housing Stabilization Center. • Providing 24-hour on-site staff with adequate skills and, where appropriate, certification enabling them to address behavioral health needs of participants. • Coordinating and calendaring services and activities on-site. • Coordinating and calendaring volunteer activities and tours at the site. • Work in collaboration with the 23-Hour Stabilization Center to identify program participants with needs across the respective programs (both behavioral health and housing needs). Case Management Services The service provider applicant will provide case management services to program participants, including but not limited to the following activities: • Developing Individualized Service Plans with each participant and supporting participants in reaching their goals. • Assessing participant housing barriers, needs, and preferences. • Assisting participants in accessing benefits, employment, mental and physical health services, addictions and recovery services, removing housing barriers, and generally supporting the needs of participants as they transition to long-term housing stability upon exiting the program. • Assisting participants in accessing permanent housing supports, including vouchers and rent assistance, and providing housing search assistance, including researching available units, contacting landlords, and accompanying participants on apartment tours. • Providing assistance with housing application preparation, housing application appeals, and reasonable accommodation requests necessary obtain housing. • Facilitating warm hand-offs with other service providers engaged with participants at the time of exits to permanent housing, including with providers of supportive services case management.