provide HVAC and preventive maintenance, servicing, and repairs at the Pendleton School District facilities listed below. The preventive maintenance, servicing and repair requirements are per industry standards. Prior to contracting, these items will be discussed and agreed upon with the District. The specific buildings and areas covered by this contract are as follows: 1. Pendleton Administration Office (107 NW 10th Street) 2. Pendleton Early Learning Center (455 SW 13th Street) 3. McKay Elementary (1539 SW 44th Street) 4. Sherwood Heights Elementary (3235 SW Nye Ave) 5. Washington Elementary (1205 SE Byers Ave) 6. Sunridge Middle School (700 SW Runnion Ave) 7. Pendleton High School (1800 NW Carden Ave) 8. Pendleton Tech and Trades Center (1700 NW 15th Dr) 9. Other buildings as defined by the district