Prepare a scope of services/report detailing the requirements to maintain compliance with KDHE regulations Prepare groundwater monitoring reports Prepare closure and post closure costs for landfill permit renewal Provide services supporting annual air quality permit reporting requirements Provide road planning Prepare greenhouse gas emissions reports Prepare layout and plans for two new scales and new scale house offset from current location Prepare permitting and design plans for potential new compost site and limb area Provide a landfill gas collection system request for proposals Design and prepare construction plans and CQA plans for cell 6, associated landfill gas probe relocation and installation, and associated perimeter fence plans Feasibility study for addition of construction and demolition (C/D) landfill at the current municipal landfill site. Provide Tier II Testing and reports Prepare an updated storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) to include the anticipated newly constructed cell Install new gas monitoring probes for the expanded portion of the landfill following construction of the cell 21 Provide miscellaneous professional service as deemed necessary by the City