A. Initial Meeting with City staff, the Committee, and Public Meetings 1. City staff will schedule a meeting with the consultant before work begins to discuss the scope of work, methodology, schedule, data formatting issues, and other matters as necessary. 2. City staff will also schedule an initial public meeting with the consultant to introduce the project to the public and receive public comment. This may be part of a regularly scheduled Resilience and Sustainability Advisory Committee meeting or a separate public meeting specifically for this purpose. 3. The Consultant will be required to make a public presentation to summarize the final approved plan. B. Resiliency and Sustainability Plan 1. City staff and the consultant will tour the City of Florence to understand the scale, context and layout of Florence. 2. The consultant will recommend appropriate formats for the plan, allowing for future updates as needed. 3. The City will choose a format and authorize the consultant to proceed with the plan.