The Contractor shall maintain a minimum of one lane of traffic in each direction of I-40 during working hours, except as otherwise indicated in this paragraph. The Engineer may also restrict the times for closures for all activities to avoid times when special events are occurring near the project limits or for any other reason the Engineer deems necessary. Construction activities shall be limited to the time period between 6:00 PM on a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night and 6:00 AM the following morning or, except as otherwise permitted by the Engineer. No lane or complete roadway closures shall occur on EB or WB I-40 or on any other roadway from 12:00 PM (noon) of the day preceding a holiday or holiday weekend through 6:00 AM of the day following a holiday or holiday weekend, based on the holidays identified in the general requirements. In addition, no lane or complete roadway closures shall occur on EB or WB I-40 or on any other roadway for the whole day (12:00 AM (midnight) of the day until 12:00 AM (midnight) of the following day) of any special event identified in the general requirements.