A. Contractor shall provide routine maintenance, 90-day California Highway Patrol (CHP) Basic Inspection of Terminals (BIT) Inspection, annual pump inspection and incidental repair services for DSH-Napa’s two (2) fire apparatus. B. Contractor shall perform a total of nine (9) services per year on each fire apparatus per, Exhibit 1-A, Testing and Maintenance Worklist. These services include i. BIT Inspection four (4) times a year, every 90 days ii. Pump Test minimum of one (1) time a year iii. “A” Service- minimum of two (2) times a year iv. “C” Service- minimum of two (2) times a year C. All services shall be performed on the following DSH-Napa Fire Apparatus: i. (E223/#14-91) 2014 HME (Type 1) ii. (E23/#89) 2001 FL80 WESTGATE (Type 1) *Option to add additional future apparatus D. Prior to any work being performed, Contractor shall provide a quote to Contract Manager or designee which shall include vehicle identification number (VIN), make, model, license number, DSH-Napa vehicle number date and nature of inspection, maintenance or repair. E. All quotes shall then require Office of Fleet and Asset Management (OFAM) approval number authorizing the service to be performed, at which time service can be scheduled. Contractor will only be authorized for amount quoted and any additional cost over the quoted amount shall require and updated quote and further OFAM approval prior to additional work being performed. F. Vehicle inspections must be documented and retained for at least two years. Each inspection report must include vehicle identification, including make, model, license number, DSH- Napa vehicle number, date and nature of inspection and any repair performed, and signature of DSH-Napa Contract Manager or designee attesting to the inspection and completion of all required repairs. Install BIT sticker or update, as required.