1. The intent of this RFP is to create a pool of small contractors for unit turnovers and will be used on an as needed basis. The actual number of small contractors chosen will depend on the number of anticipated units to be turned and availability of in-house staff. Contractors should limit their proposal to the services for which they are qualified, competent, and able to complete. The actual number of pool contractors chosen will depend on the number of qualified proposals received. The contractors chosen will serve for a period of one year with the option, at SNRHA’s sole discretion, to extend the contract for an additional year for a maximum total of two years. 2. Contractors selected to participate in the pool will be assigned work at the discretion of the Authority based on quality of work, availability, manpower and timeliness. SNRHA will attempt to match each assignment to the contractor best suited for a given task (i.e. When the SNRHA has a need for minor renovations such as kitchens/baths, a contractor with proven experience in renovations may be selected over a contractor that has more experience with painting and little renovation experience.) SNRHA shall also be the determining factor on the number of units any contractor may be assigned. 3. As tenants move out, the requirement for turnover must happen swiftly and contractors must be available upon call. Time is of the essence and quick turnover on vacant units is critical for operations to provide affordable housing. Unit turnaround time will depend on the number of bedrooms, how many phases are required and the extent of work within the phases required. From past history, turn-arounds are typically done in 5-8 business days. The number of turnarounds annually depends on tenant status and is difficult to estimate.