This is a BLM-West Desert District project with funding by the Watershed Restoration Initiative. The project is located in northwestern Box Elder County, approximately 9 miles southeast of the town of Grouse Creek. The objective of the project is to reduce conifer expansion to help create and improve habitat for mule deer, pronghorn, and sage grouse in addition to increasing wildfire resiliency. The request CRI is being conducted to properly inventory and account for effects to cultural resources in the mastication treatment areas. The project is of 2,545 acres located in the canyon bottoms and 2,545 acres of the Grouse Creek Mountains in several large, amorphous polygons. This project occurs on federal lands and is therefore subjected to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (36CFR800). The BLM-FFO is lead agency for Section 106 consultation. Given the DWR nexus, the undertaking will also be compliant with Utah Code Annotated 9-8a-404. The survey, reporting, and SHPO consultation will be completed under state and federal cultural resource regulations and standards.