The services required for this project have an objective to provide optional professional learning in early literacy and implementation science for Literacy Directors, Principals, Assistant Principals, and coaches. This professional learning will include knowledge and skill development in defining the systems required to successfully implement a sustainable literacy system aligned to scientifically based research. In addition, this professional learning includes building knowledge in adult learning practices and successfully using job-embedded coaching. This will be accomplished through facilitation of professional learning using LETRS for Administrators. Participants will engage in independent learning online and reading. They will also attend four 6-hour live sessions with a national certified facilitator (held virtually). This opportunity is intended to provide a deeper knowledge in the science of reading and implementing system changes in literacy instruction to build upon what Literacy Directors, Principals, Assistant Principals, and coaches have learned in LETRS (required to complete in SB 127) and align to Utah’s Professional Learning Standards. In partnership with Lexia Learning and the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) both parties will ensure alignment with the overall goals for SB 127. Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification.