We are seeking proposals for pre-design services for the site improvements for a new Highway garage in the Town of Hortonia, which will replace the existing facilities currently located at 115 S Oak St in the Village of Hortonville. In addition, we are seeking several site design and building improvements for the Appleton Highway Campus located at 1313 Holland Rd. As an optional service, the County is seeking pre-design services for the Seymour (located at 440 Municipal Dr) and Shiocton (located at W7517 Highway 54) Highway garages. The scope of work for each site shall include: Seymour Relocation of fueling station. Building expansion with improved male/female restrooms and locker rooms and an employee breakroom. Expanded indoor and outdoor storage. New salt shed. Shiocton Relocation of fueling station. Building expansion with improved male/female restrooms and locker rooms and an employee breakroom.