The Project is at 4500 Lake Mary Road in Flagstaff, Arizona and can be generally described as the rehabilitation, removal, and replacement of the major mechanical and electrical equipment associated with the sedimentation and flocculation basins at the Lake Mary Water Treatment Plant. This project will be delivered through the CMAR project delivery process. The CMAR Design Phase or Preconstruction Services will primarily include reviewing and providing input on design, plans, schedules, quantities, costs estimates, subsurface utility investigations, and constructability in coordination with an Engineering Professional to assist in the preparation of comprehensive construction documents and develop a Project master schedule, cost models, and GMPs required for Project completion. The CMAR Construction Phase Services will generally consist of coordination with various stakeholders, Engineering Professional, and city staff while performing the construction of the Project. Refer to the attached construction documents and Addendums for the scope of work. The final scope of the Project shall be based on the investigation and determination made in the preparation of the Project construction documents and recommendations by the Engineering Professional and Contractor who are selected for the Project.