Monthly: 1. Clean and inspect head house 2. Perform general inspection of machinery, pumps, piping, drive, valves, selectors, or floor controllers when used. Lubricate as required. 3. Empty drip pans, discard oil, check reservoir oil level. 4. Inspect and lubricate machinery, contacts, linkage, and gearing. 5. Clean and Inspect controller, selectors, relays, connectors, contacts, etc. 6. Ride car and observe operation of doors, leveling, smoothness reopening devices, lamp and floor notification bells, make needed adjustments. 7. If rails are lubricated, check condition and lubrication, service lubricators. 8. Remove litter, dust, oil, etc., from all machine room equipment. 9. Clean trash from pit and empty drip pans; discard oil. Examine plunger seals and correct excess leakage. 10. Observe operation of elevator throughout its full range and at all floors it serves to test controls, safety devices, leveling, releveling, and other devices. If creeping is excessive, determine cause and correct it. 11. Check door operation. Clean, adjust, and lubricate brake, check linkages, gears, wiring, motor, check keys, setscrews, contacts, chains, and cams. 12. Inspect interior of cab. Test telephone or communication system, emergency lights, fan, emergency call system or alarm, miscellaneous hardware, control panel, etc. 13. Inspect hoistway and pit. Clean and lubricate equipment as required. Service guide rail lubricators. 14. Test mechanism. Observe operation of motor and pump, oil lines, tank, controls, plunger, packing, etc. 15. Test manual and emergency controls. 16. Check oil level in car and counterweight oil buffers; add oil as required. 17. Check packing glands of valves and cylinder. Tighten to prevent loss of fluid, if necessary. 18. Visually inspect controller, contacts and relays. Check adjustment and replace contacts as required. 19. If equipped with firefighter service. Initiate Phase I recall and operate elevator on Phase II for at least two floors.