The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit competitive bids from qualified entities who are interested in providing the State of Vermont Department for Children and Families (hereinafter referred to as the “State”) with qualified staffing, comprehensive management to deliver Medicaid Permanent Supportive Housing Assistance (PSHA) benefit services. These services include Pre-tenancy, tenancy sustaining and Community Transition services as authorized by Vermont’s Global Commitment to Health 1115 Demonstration Waiver. The State aims to build upon existing initiatives and infrastructure by developing a communitybased Permanent Supportive Housing Assistance program to provide services to the State’s highest acuity housing-insecure and homeless individuals. Currently, services are available through Vermont’s continuums of care CoCs0 and, a combination of public, private, and nonprofit service providers who are responsible for service provisions, program delivery, local planning, service coordination, and monitoring outcomes within their catchment area. They receive funding primarily through the Agency through its various departments. Vermont seeks to leverage existing housing infrastructure and wrap-around services and develop a new Permanent Supportive Housing Assistance (PSHA) Medicaid program. This program will ensure housing insecure and homeless Vermonters with disabilities, mental health conditions, or substance use treatment needs have access to necessary supportive housing services that can be aligned with the homeless assistance (e.g., Coc rental assistance). The state intends for the PSHA Program to have a capacity of approximately 100 slots in the first year of operations. The Program will launch in 2-4 Vermont counties with the expectation of expanding service in the future.