Tasks: 1. Infrastructure Page 3 of 30 a. Clarify the infrastructure requirements for the recommended number of charging stations and type (Level 2 and/or Level 3) planned per site. Power and data. b. Identify the cost, if any, to enhance the County infrastructure to meet the needs of each site and proposed responsibility. 2. Clarify Space requirements for the following: a. Equipment b. Parking for charger users c. User amenities, if proposed d. Accessibility e. Supporting infrastructure –Power, internet access and other needed infrastructure. 3. Identify a plan to install, operate, and maintain the appropriate number of Level 2 and Level 3 charging stations at each site. a. County facility modifications required for full implementation. b. County infrastructure impacts. c. Sub-metering options, if needed. d. Secure Router subnet use options for Internet access, if needed...