Eligible recipients may apply for grant funds to support: • Revision ofstate approved CTE Local Model Programs of Study. Applications MUST: o employ the state model revision process 2023_CTE_POS_Policy.pdf (delaware.gov); o apply the secondary to postsecondary connections gap analysis tool (refer to Attachment G); o include culturally responsive practicesin the program ofstudy objectives(referto culturally responsive practice conceptual framing in Attachment D); o include a minimum of one postsecondary opportunity forstudents; and o include a plan to implement/expand participation in the Work-based Learning practicum (17.00601015 or 17.00802015) course, which should include anticipated enrollment targets. Preference will be given to revision plans that: o include more than three (3) programs ofstudy; o include collaboration with other LEAs to conduct the review process; and/or o include Culturally Competent Score Card training and evaluation (Attachment E & F) • Year One: Local Model Programs of Study review planning. The upper limit for each grant award is $20,000. • Must include the Program of Study Application in your application packet • Year Two (only available starting in October 2024): Local Model Programs of Study review implementation. The upper limit for each grant award is $20,000...