Following the consultant selection process, a scoping meeting will be held to determine and negotiate a refined and final scope of work and a contract for services. This overview, therefore, represents the major tasks and associated activities that are envisioned, but it is preliminary and, as such, Planning reserves the right to make revisions as deemed necessary. The Priority Investment Areas project comprises two core efforts. Part One, to be accomplished by Planning, will create a transit-based opportunities map that identifies locations for development along transit corridors. The opportunities map will be built using a data-driven approach, identifying areas of opportunity that leverage existing urban infrastructure and underutilized land parcels to support mixed development and redevelopment, including affordable housing and employment generators, an important strategy to reduce persistent poverty. Part Two, to be led by the consultant, will include stakeholder engagement, prioritization of viable corridors for TOD investment, and recommendations for the creation of TOD policies and investment strategies. More specifically, the consultant should be able to bring expertise to tackle several elements comprising Part Two of the initiative: Conduct stakeholder interviews and community surveys to inform the planning process. Identify and prioritize TOD target areas that can serve as catalysts for redevelopment and revitalization. Provide guidance on ways to embark on this work to ensure success and build momentum for continued investment in TOD. Create a TOD implementation toolkit — related to land use code, economic incentives, transportation policy, or other approaches — to guide COK, KAT, Planning, and other partners in this work.