The scope of work for the Project Area Redevelopment Plan shall include, at a minimum: 1. Zoning and site analysis 2. Building massing and architectural renderings that convey the redevelopment vision for the site 3. Land use recommendations, including percentage of residential and commercial space on the site 4. Site circulation, utility, and parking recommendations 5. Consideration of sustainable site design features, creative development partnership ideas and models, including for housing on the site 6. Public engagement to solicit broad input on redevelopment priorities for the site 7. Financial feasibility analysis The MMP includes recommendations specific to this property, and suggest that it: • Be used as a neighborhood mixed-use space • Encourage stand-alone housing and above businesses • Promote active street frontages • Encourage active ground floor uses • Incorporate mixed income housing • Provide simple access to the adjacent park and trail • Cap building heights at two to four stories