Generally, this project involves the replacement of the Police Administration Building’s (PAB’s) incoming medium volt service equipment along with upgrading the emergency power control system. Some of the work includes the following: 1. Coordination with WE Energies to carefully plan outages and cut-overs in order to minimize disruptions. 2. Coordination with the PAB’s facilities group to help them plan outages and cut-overs in order to minimize disruptions to the building occupants. 3. Phasing of connections to new service equipment, existing equipment and emergency power equipment to minimize disruptions to the building occupants. 4. Coordination with Weldy LaMont to outline the responsibilities for the generator work involved in this project. The electrical contractor shall be responsible for all work. Generally, Weldy LaMont will only be providing equipment and the electrical contractor will be receiving, installing and wiring the equipment as directed. Weldy LaMont will provide all programming. 5. Subcontracting with Weldy LaMont to replace controllers in the two transfer switches located in the sub-basement electrical room. 6. Subcontracting with Weldy LaMont to replace the existing four generator control cabinets in the generator penthouse with five new cabinets. 7. Non-electrical work such as concrete pads, room demolition, HVAC re-work, pavement re-work and door installation. 8. Phased demolition of existing incoming medium voltage switchgear in the sub-basement. This includes full removal of two large switches and metering bays. This equipment will need to be broken down as needed to allow it to get through openings and into the service elevator. 9. Installation of a new double ended unit substation in a newly created electrical room on the basement level. 10. Following all required protocols needed to keep this building secured during construction.