Task 1 - Project Management and Meetings • Prepare detailed project schedule. Review with agency project manager and revise as needed. • Maintain a project management website (Basecamp) that will include an up-to-date project calendar and provide access to files for team members. • Participate in a minimum of three meetings/conference calls per task with staff and project team. Task 2 - Developing Multimodal Level of Service Standards • Assist in developing multimodal level of service (LOS) standards for locally and regional public transit and active transportation to gauge and judge performance of the transportation system. • Assist in drafting language and provide recommendations to incorporate new standards in Title 40. • Provide Technical Memorandum 1, describing methodology and procedure for developing multimodal level of service standards, as well as its implementation. Task 3 - Review and recommend a revised scoring criteria for the 20-year Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and 6-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) projects to ensure alignment with new GMA requirements and goals. • Review current scoring criteria and provide recommendations on how to incorporate vehicle miles travel (VMT) and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals and environmental justice in the prioritization process of CFP and TIP projects. • Provide Technical Memorandum 2, describing the methodology and procedure for implementing equity into the scoring criteria.