The Contractor shall provide all professional and technical personnel and equipment necessary to perform various technical, planning, and documentation efforts to comply with the governing regulations and policy directives. The work must be conducted in compliance with the following: • 18 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 75 Oil and Other Hazardous Substances Pollution Control; • 18 AAC 78 Underground Storage Tanks, and the Underground Storage Tanks Procedures Manual; • ADEC Field Sampling Guidance; • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 540-R-92-021 Guidance for Performing Site Inspection; • Under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA); • All other applicable federal, state, and local regulations. The following must also be adhered to: • The Contractor shall provide all necessary labor, facilities, equipment, materials, transportation and supplies necessary to perform services described herein. The Contractor must make use of all existing rules, regulations, and directives in the performance of this effort; • The Contractor shall review available documentation provided the AKARNG Environmental department; state, federal, and local resources; and perform a site visit as necessary to complete the work required; • All technical consultants required for this contract must be provided by the Contractor and required to provide expert witness testimony if called upon. Expert witness testimony is not part of this contract but must be negotiated separately in the event such testimony is necessary.