The project will include capacity improvements associated with the Lincoln Wastewater System (LWWS) Theresa Street Water Resource Recovery Facility (TSWRRF); located at 2400 Theresa Street, Lincoln, NE. The project consists of constructing two new aeration basins, two new final clarifiers, a new non-potable water system building, a new primary power substation, and new RAS pump(s). Other anticipated improvements include modifications to the aeration control system in two existing aeration basins, replacement of one existing aeration blower, site piping, electrical distribution, earthwork, pavement, and associated appurtenances as required by the project. Much of the project is within the Salt Creek levee 500-ft critical area and will be subject to USACE Section 408 permitting, City floodplain development permitting, NDEE construction permitting, NPDES Construction Stormwater permitting, and local building permits.