1. Utah Core ELA Standards Alignment ● Instructional Materials in all formats, including digital and online materials, are required to be accompanied by documentation of alignments to the Utah Core English Language Arts Standards. All items should be aligned by page number, URL or section, and sent in a pdf file as part of the submitted proposal. These documents should be formatted in such a way that reviewers may easily scrutinize alignments during the course of the evaluation meetings. ○ Follow the link to access the printable versions of the Core Standards: ■ https://www.uen.org/core/languagearts/ ○ Publishers are allowed to enlist an independent reviewer to prepare the alignments. ■ Credentials for the aligners must also be included with the submitted alignments. ● Curriculum materials must have a clear and documented evidence base. The most important evidence is that the curriculum accelerates student progress toward career and college readiness. 2. Text Quality and Complexity Requirements ● High-Quality Anchor Texts ○ Quality: Materials must include anchor texts that are of publishable quality and worthy of students' time and attention. ○ Engagement: Texts should be well-crafted, content-rich, and consider a range of student interests to engage students at their grade level. ● Evidence-Based Placement ○ Quantitative Analysis: All texts should be analyzed using at least one research-based quantitative measure to determine the appropriate grade band placement. ○ Qualitative Analysis: A qualitative analysis should also be provided to indicate the specific grade level placement of each text...