Line Item 1 – Mastication – Units 1-8: ALL Junipers < 24” DRC will be masticated. (Less than 24 inches Diameter at Root Collar) ALL Pinyon Pine < 15” DRC will be masticated. (Less than 15 inches Diameter at Root Collar) Ponderosa Pine WILL NOT be masticated. Pinyon/Juniper will be completely masticated leaving a MAXIMUM stump height no greater than 6 inches measured on the uphill side. Stumps abutting an obstruction (large rocks, logs, etc) will be cut to a height no greater than 4” above the obstruction. ALL branches below the stump cut must be severed. Masticated Material (chips) should not exceed six (6) inches on average in depth. Care should be taken to avoid intermittent/seasonal streams and low areas/meadows. Crossings of intermittent streams will have designated locations. No machinery (Wheeled or tracked) within 100 feet of running streams or to the edge of the riparian vegetation, whichever is greater. No Servicing, refueling, or staging of equipment within 150 feet of all riparian areas. Avoid operating soil disturbing equipment when soil moisture levels are greater than 75% field capacity or on slopes greater than >35 percent. Operators will reach into red mapped areas to masticate Pinyon/Juniper. (See map, indicated in red) Line Item 2 – Mastication – Unit 9: ALL Junipers < 24” DRC will be masticated. (Less than 24 inches Diameter at Root Collar) ALL Pinyon Pine < 15” DRC will be masticated. (Less than 15 inches Diameter at Root Collar) Ponderosa Pine WILL NOT be masticated. Pinyon/Juniper will be completely masticated leaving a MAXIMUM stump height no greater than 6 inches measured on the uphill side. Stumps abutting an obstruction (large rocks, logs, etc) will be cut to a height no greater than 4” above the obstruction. ALL branches below the stump cut must be severed. Masticated Material (chips) should not exceed six (6) inches on average in depth. Care should be taken to avoid intermittent/seasonal streams and low areas/meadows. Crossings of intermittent streams will have designated locations. No machinery (Wheeled or tracked) within 100 feet of running streams or to the edge of the riparian vegetation, whichever is greater. No Servicing, refueling, or staging of equipment within 150 feet of all riparian areas. Avoid operating soil disturbing equipment when soil moisture levels are greater than 75% field capacity or on slopes greater than >35 percent. Operators will reach into red mapped areas to masticate Pinyon/Juniper. (See map, indicated in red)