SCEO, at a minimum, requires the following overarching outcomes for the Home Energy Rebates Programs: Well-established exemplary and innovative efficiency and electrification programs. Widespread access and uptake for disadvantaged communities. Proven value stream and roles for sustained investments to continue market transformation. Reduced pollution from buildings in support of the clean energy economy. Contractor shall assist in the development of the HOMES and HEAR programs and the Blueprint plans pursuant to the Department of Energy’s State Implementation Blueprint as described in the respective HOMES and HEAR program Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) and applicable federal guidance.: SCEO requires services provided by the Contractor to include, but not be limited to: Comparison of modeled vs. measured energy savings programs for the HOMES Program, Income verification proposal(s), Detailed rebate process including tracking and reporting measures, Engagement of Participants, Application development process, Sample process flow, Timeline of milestones of development, Ensuring quality customer service to program participants, Communicate with USDOE for the purpose of meeting Program requirements. SCEO will also require the Contractor to: Assist in crafting program design priorities and appropriate program goals, Conduct analysis, market research, community engagement, and/or other activities, Identify existing contract and program delivery mechanisms that meet US DOE requirements, Leverage existing research and programs to identify needed workforce development efforts and foster employment opportunities, Ensure the program designs address equity and further environmental justice, Engage relevant stakeholders to consider where and how braiding or other co-delivery of resources would be most efficient and effective, Assist in developing the requisite Community Benefit Plan(s) and Determine needs for educational and marketing materials, including effective outreach efforts to disadvantaged communities, Research standards and best practices necessary to ensure program success and customer satisfaction.