The Town of Plymouth seeks to develop Master Plans for the Forges Field Recreation Area and the Hedges Pond Recreation Area. The Master Planning process will involve community consensus building and the preparation of a preferred plan for the property. Public outreach and engagement will be a focus of this Master Planning process. Task 1: Town Staff Meeting The awarded firm will meet with Town staff responsible for overseeing the Forges Field and Hedges Pond Master Plans project for site walks and a meeting to discuss project goals, schedule for the project, community engagement process and to document and collect existing conditions. The Town will supply any pertinent information with regards to Forges Field and Hedges Pond, including previously commissioned plans, design documents and as-built drawings from previous improvements. After the meeting, the firm will put together meeting notes and will distribute them back to the Town with any updates to the proposed schedule. Task 2: Analysis The firm shall develop a GIS base map of each park. The firm will then review the as-built documentation, visit the sites, photograph, measure and assess the existing conditions of the landscape, accessibility, vehicular circulation and parking, structures, sports fields and courts, playgrounds, furnishings, lighting, trees, vegetation, invasives, fountains, memorials, wayfinding signage, and utilities.