The City was awarded a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Community Formula Grant to assist the community with MS4 permit compliance and reduce adverse impacts to water quality from stormwater runoff. Grant funds must be used to design and/or implement eligible stormwater management practices to treat stormwater discharges and reduce phosphorus loading in Lake Champlain in accordance with the TMDLs. Eligible stormwater management practices include Tier 1 and Tier 2 Practices as specified in the Vermont Stormwater Management Manual. The Stormwater Program has identified the retrofit design of the stormwater system off Oak Beach Drive in Burlington’s South End as a suitable project. The project area is located within an existing stormwater drainage way that flows under Flynn Avenue and ultimately discharges into Lake Champlain at Blanchard Beach. The engineering firm shall work with the DPW-WRD to identify, evaluate, and recommend an eligible stormwater management practice, such as a gravel wetland, to treat stormwater runoff within the constraints of the project area, stakeholders, and grant conditions. The firm shall then provide designs for the proposed project so that the City will have a “shovel-ready” project to be constructed at a later date.