The purchase of Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (ULSD) for use at the UMass Central Heating Plant. UMass Amherst may take up to six (6) trucks per day. Please provide supporting information on trucking and logistics capabilities detailing documented experience and ability in serving this volume. Specific availability of transportation assets to UMass Amherst location must be included. UMass Amherst will need ULSD to supplement LNG and replace pipeline natural gas when gas is curtailed by the utility up to 15 days per winter. UMass Amherst may require as little as none and up to 250,000 gallons per month for December, January, and February. In responding please provide storage assets and volumes within: 50 miles, and 100 miles of UMass Amherst available for delivery. This RFP will require respondents to provide two (2) references with similar volume and delivery requirements. Please detail locations, volumes, and number of daily deliveries taken successfully during peak winter days and months. Currently, tank storage levels are at max capacity and will start the winter season at max capacity. UMass is requesting pricing for the following index adders (please submit prices for both): Adder over NYMEX ULSD for fixed price. Adder over Platts NY Harbor mid-point for spot deliveries.