Missoula County is seeking a qualified firm with expertise in both housing and economics to assist county staff in drafting an existing conditions report meeting the requirements of the MLUPA. The existing conditions report will serve as the basis of a comprehensive plan that will be completed in Phase II. The existing conditions report must meet the requirements of Title 76. Land Resources and Use, Chapter 25. Montana Land Use Planning Act, of the Montana Code Annotated. The selected firm will be an extension of the Missoula County Team completing the draft report. Missoula County staff will lead the overall project as well as combine the work from this project into the final report. The combined effort of the consulting team and county staff will be an existing conditions and trends report generally organized around the following sections of the MLUPA: • §76-25-203 Existing conditions and population projections (staff) • §76-25-206 Housing (consultant) • §76-25-207 Local service and facilities (staff) • §76-25-208 Economic development (consultant) o Includes an Industrial Lands Assessment (not required per MLUPA (consultant)) • §76-25-209 Natural resources, environment, and hazards (staff) • Historic, cultural, and tribal resources, not required per MLUPA (staff) The primary deliverables for the consultant will be the chapters on Housing, Economic Development, Industrial Lands Assessment and the design layout and style guide for the rest of the chapters. The final report will be included in the Comprehensive Plan and submitted for adoption by the County Commissioners in subsequent phases of the project. Therefore, the contract with the consultant will focus on producing a high-quality fully formatted draft, but will not include the adoption process for the report.