The Town of Weston is looking to improve the Town Hall as a public service point and transition away from relying on a 25-year old portable classroom which has served as the “Town Hall Annex.” The portable is beyond its useful life. The Town is looking for professional services to support the relocation of the Land Use Department program, staff, and record storage from the Town Hall Annex to the Town Hall in the form of a combination of new construction and modification of existing area in the building. The Town is also seeking input on an optimal internal office configuration and public meeting space to the existing Town Hall offices to improve office configuration for improved public services. An assessment of current mechanical and HVAC systems will also be required to understand the costs to expand the current Town Hall footprint and/or changes to existing office configurations. It is envisioned that this part of the project may require an assessment of on-site wastewater (septic) to support any increase in building area and future growth from other adjacent municipal buildings. Another study is on-going to determine the capacity of an existing town-owned wastewater facility to accept the flows from the municipal campus.