The Pocatello Development Authority is soliciting written proposals from civil engineering consultants to provide professional services to provide preliminary design, and evaluate feasibility for a railroad overpass meeting current Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) and City of Pocatello standards. Access roadway would be in the general area of Batiste Road area south of Highway 30 West in Pocatello. Structure over the (UPRR) Nampa Mainline tracks. In general, the project will consist of approximately 7,200 lineal feet of two to three lane roadway originating at an intersection with Highway 30 and terminating at an intersection with Kraft Road and the Portneuf River. Appropriate left turn bays will be provided at various access points to the Developable Properties and Great Western Malting Plant. No traffic signals are anticipated at this time. The bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad will span between 100 to 150 feet depending on the chosen alignment.