CONTRACTOR, working in cooperation with a Utah Geological Survey (UGS) Geologic Mapping Program, will complete minor geologic revisions to the existing geologic map of the Ogden 30 x 60-minute quadrangle (Coogan and King, 2016). Provide three E-W subsurface geologic cross sections of the geologic map of the Ogden 30 x 60-minute quadrangle incorporating new geologic map revisions, geophysical seismic data, and subsurface borehole data. Minor geologic map revisions and three cross sections will be completed for submission to UGS for first review by November 30, 2025, such that a final report can be delivered to Utah Geological Survey by December 30, 2025. In this contract, UGS refers to the Utah Geological Survey, a division of the Utah State Department of Natural Resources. Contractor will lead map revisions for a new version of the Ogden 30 x 60-minute quadrangle geologic map (1:62,500 scale) alongside Zach Anderson (UGS geologic mapper) and UGS GIS analysts. Areas of critical geologic updates will be identified, discussed, and addressed using various mapping techniques including using orthoimagery, stereo imagery, and/or lidar data. Field visits, if deemed necessary, to observe and map the geology of such sites will be planned and executed. Map data and revisions will be delivered to the UGS via (hard copies, marked up pdfs, vector GIS data, spreadsheets, etc). Contractor will lead construction of three E-W-oriented subsurface geologic cross sections across the Ogden 30 x 60-minute quadrangle. Cross sections will be drawn using LithoTech software. Cross sections must be drawn at a scale 1:1 (no vertical exaggeration), drawn to appropriate depth to adequately capture geometries and relationships of regional thrust systems, and portray detail appropriate for 1:62,500 scale mapping. Cross sections must honor surface and subsurface geological constraints by incorporating the newly revised geologic map of the Ogden 30 x 60-minute quadrangle (this contract’s work), geophysical seismic data, subsurface borehole data, and other appropriate geologic data. Cross sections will be delivered to UGS in a digital format that allows UGS to digitize the cross sections into a GIS database.