The City of Bellingham (“City”) is issuing this request for qualifications (RFQ) (Invitation No. 66B-2024 from consulting firms interested in providing professional design services for the Little Squalicum WQ Retrofit Phase 3 project (EV183) project. The city is seeking a 90% design for improvements to stormwater treatment sites in the Birchwood neighborhood, located within the Little Squalicum Watershed. The initial contract will cover up to 90% design but has the potential to continue through final design and construction support as funding becomes available. This project will install bioretention or enhanced treatment BMP system(s) to treat approximately 145.50 acres of stormwater generated by the Birchwood Neighborhood. Bioretention and proprietary treatment BMPs will be used to achieve enhanced treatment for all these flows that discharge to Little Squalicum Creek, its subsequent estuary, and nearshore portions of Bellingham Bay