1. The contractor will develop maps and GIS datasets that depict conditions contributing to an identified seismic hazard. 2. Seismic hazards are to consist of specific individual points, lines, or closed polygons with each entity representing an equal or similar level of risk. 3. Seismic hazards are to be shown without buffers. The Consultant will recommend buffer distances from specific identifiable seismic hazards, where appropriate, based on current practices within other jurisdictions with similar conditions and level of seismicity. 4. There should be a separate GIS map layer for each seismic hazard category identified and for each factor or condition. The relative certainty that a hazard exists, and its extents, shall be indicated. For example, sand boils and ejecta from surface ruptures are strong evidence that liquefaction has occurred, but deciding where to delineate a boundary between liquefaction prone soils and non-liquefaction prone soils will be based on inferences from available subsurface soil and groundwater information and other factors, such as topography, leading to some uncertainty. 5. The GIS data and underlying metadata must be delivered in a manner fully compatible with the MOA ESRI-based Enterprise GIS and its requirements (e.g., as a file geodatabase). CAD datasets are not an acceptable deliverable format. The projection of the data should be Alaska State Plane, Zone 4, NAD83...