Herbicide application: - Entire +/- 290 Acres - Herbicide formulation to be applied uniformly over the entire spray sites is as follows: 1.5 oz. per acre Oust XP 2 qts. per acre Accord XRT II (or similar glyphosate product) 24 oz. per acre Chopper Gen 2 Surfactant and/or antifoam as needed. Rates and chemicals may be adjusted upon mutual agreement between the Contractor and Marinette County. Mix volume per acre will vary depending on equipment used, but must be in accordance with the herbicide label. Applicator must provide their own Wisconsin DATCP certified applicator, mixer/loader and application equipment. The applicator and mixer/loader can be the same person. A copy of the Forestry Certified Applicator credentials must be on file with Marinette County prior to application being started on the Marinette County Forest. Backpack type application equipment will not be considered. ATV/UTV/Agricultural Tractor based equipment may be considered if production rates and coverage can be ensured. Must be able to apply to at least 20 acres/day consistently, weather permitting. Trenching: Entire +/- 290 Acres - Disc Trenching: The Contractor shall maintain consistently even row spacing to reach the objective of an average of 7 feet (7’) between row centers. The acceptable range for distance between row centers shall be greater than six feet (6’) and less than eight feet (8’) to achieve an average of seven feet (7’). Mineral soil must be exposed in the trench wide enough (from 12-18”) and deep enough for adequate planting (as determined by County Forest staff)...