Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) Training. Course shall be held on November 14-15 and a second training to be in the first quarter of 2025 agreed upon by contractor and OSFM. Contractor shall be able to demonstrate their past experience by providing references and example training and shall have a vast knowledge of Community Wildfire Protection Plans. Training shall teach attendees how to identify relevant community members, agencies and other partners, how to complete on the ground assessments of wildfire hazards, gather community input on values, needs, barriers, and perceptions, ensure community engagement is inclusive and diverse, consider social vulnerability to wildfire, understand predicted local fire behavior and its impacts on the built environment, produce a ranking of relative risk for neighborhoods within their community, create an implementation plan including priority project areas, lead agencies, and next steps, develop a local outreach and education plan and understand and plan for future 5-year CWPP updates. Training material shall be specific to Oregon.