Cut grass and weed eat around the boat ramp areas, toilet area, parking areas and access drives up to the woods line twice (2) a month, from the boat ramp to the main roadway. Pick up trash twice (2) a month from around the boat ramp areas, toilet areas, parking areas and access drives and remove from the site. Empty all trash receptacles and provide trash bags as needed for each unit. Remove all trash from the site. Control problem weeds within bank stabilization areas and toilet areas with weed eater and /or weed killer as needed. Trim limbs away from the access drives and parking areas to prevent vehicles from hitting them up to a height of seven feet above the ground. Limbs shall also be trimmed away from walkway areas for toilets. Cut any dead trees determined to be a fall risk toward the boat ramps, parking areas and access driveways. This material can be left on site if it does not interfere with the boat ramp, toilet area, pavement area or grassed area. Remove any minor limbs from within the boat ramp areas, toilet areas, parking areas or access drives when needed after minor storm events. Replace any roadway directional signs that are vandalized or stolen from the parking areas and access drives. Clean toilets and restroom areas twice (2) a month. Provide all supplies as needed for each toilet, including toilet paper. Remove trash and debris from these areas. Make minor repairs to toilet units at each site on as needed basis. Remove sediment that has migrated onto boat ramp lanes with a rubber tire/track front end loader during low level periods of the lake. Remove this excavated material from the site for disposal.