DOI’s desired services and system specifications are: 1) Provide for the creation and management of electronic investigative case files as well as the transfer of existing investigative case files 2) Interface with DOI’s existing allegation intake system (where citizens, officials and CPA’s submit initial allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse) 3) Support Microsoft Office software applications: specifically, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel must function within the system 4) Create a timeline record of work completed within the system and updates to case files 5) Hyperlink within the case file, specifically, a record must be able to link and connect a user from one document to another document within the same case file 6) Track evidence, including barcoding for storage and maintenance 7) Contain document security, including watermarking and date stamps 8) Allow for migration of historical data and case files to be uploaded, maintained, and accessed 9) Contain management tools, including both investigator and supervisor progress dashboards, up-to-date reporting functions (to include DOI’s quarterly case status reports), and alerts triggering a supervisory review of investigative case files 10) Allow for case file dissemination, and case file tracking by user and history...