Project design work will include all activities necessary to complete a capital construction project on Secondary 324 (S-324) from RP 21.9 to 34.4. The paved portion of the road from RP 21.9 to approximately RP 28.0 will be widened and overlaid. The gravel portion of the road from approximately RP 28.0 to RP 34.4 will be reconstructed to a 24-foot paved surface. Design activities will include, but not be limited to; survey, road design; geotechnical and surfacing investigations and analysis; hydraulics analysis and design; traffic and safety assessments and design; investigation of the existing right-of-way and assessment of proposed right-of-way needs; right-of-way design; potential right-of-way acquisition; utility and railroad coordination; environmental analysis and document, permitting; public involvement; plans and specification through final PS&E; answering questions posed during the letting Q&A process; and answering questions during the construction phase (CN).