The Contractor shall provide all necessary labor, supervision, vehicles, fuel, tools, material, equipment, and appurtenances, including equipment operators and the transportation of all tools, equipment, and personnel, necessary to perform specialty repair, maintenance, and replacement work on any and all portions of the MWRD Railroad track system that is owned by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. This shall include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Crosstie and switchtie replacement 2. Ballast regulation, tamping and finishing 3. Rail repair and replacement 4. Turnout repair and replacement 5. Repair, replacement, and maintenance of the following: a. Switches, switch stands, and appurtenances b. Track lubrication equipment 6. Corrections to track gage and level (surfacing) 7. Any required lifts 8. Banking/Superelevation of track curves 9. Installation of switch point protectors, switch point guards, rail lubrication units, and other track accessories 10. Track drainage, including ditches, dikes, underdrains and culverts...