The Department of Health Services (DHS), Division of Care and Treatment Services (DCTS), Bureau of Community Forensic Service (BCFS) is seeking to contract with a single vendor to conduct an evaluation of the Opening Avenues to Reentry Success (OARS) Program. The evaluation will focus on: The program use of evidence-based and best practices for reentry for individuals with mental health and co-occurring diagnoses. The evidence of program effectiveness. The relationship between implementation and effectiveness. The goal of the evaluation is to: Identify essential components to implementing the OARS Program and demonstrate program ability to embed and expand reentry practices within our policies, procedures, and practices. Recognize which practices were most effective in standardizing reentry for this population and making successful referrals (i.e., referrals appropriate, gaps in screening and identifying eligible participants. Recognize which practices are most impactful for program outcomes. The evaluation findings will serve two primary purposes: Aiding in sustaining components and practices established by the OARS Program. Informing system-change efforts to strengthen reentry in Wisconsin. Evaluation findings will be used to inform OARS Program and reentry activities such as enhancing trainings and educational material for key stakeholders, including but not limited to Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Department of Corrections (prisons and/or community corrections), and OARS program community case management providers. Furthermore, evaluation findings will be used to inform, spread, and implement innovative practices statewide, as well as provide support to other states and/or entities interested in building and/or sustaining similar reentry programs.