Task 1: Education and Outreach Workplan Under Task 1, Contractor(s) will develop a detailed workplan outlining tasks, roles, major milestones, and timeline to accomplish the development and facilitation of education and training opportunities described in Tasks 2 & 3 of this Scope of Work. The workplan will represent a detailed road map of action steps for the project and clearly articulate roles and responsibilities. Workplan development under this Task should include collaboration with VAAFM on event details and content, and the final workplan will require approval by the State prior to this task’s associated payment. For both Tasks 2 and 3, the Contractor will be expected to follow the State’s Education and Outreach tracking methods. These methods should be incorporated into the Contractor’s Education and Outreach Workplan. All events will be submitted to the VAAFM Pre-Event Form at least 30-days prior to the event for VAAFM review and approval. Events specifically for Farmers must meet the criteria for attendees to receive Water Quality Education Credits as prescribed by the Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs). All events supported through this contract will be required to display the Agency logo. Task 2: Develop and Facilitate Four Education and Training Events for Technical Assistance Providers Under Task 2, Contractor(s) will develop and facilitate at minimum four education, training and/or peer-to-peer network events for technical assistance providers. These events must be organized and facilitated by the contractor but may involve collaboration with VAAFM, partner organizations, farmers, contractors, and/or grazing consultants. The Contractor will at minimum propose and provide education and/or training events that address the following topics: 1. State & Federal Cost Share Opportunities for Grazing Farms (for technical assistance providers) 2. Developing a Grazing Plan and Associated Infrastructure Plan (i.e. water tubs and pipeline, fencing, and laneway planning) 3. Pasture Inventory and Monitoring Livestock and Pasture Performance (i.e. record keeping, current methods and emerging technologies) 4. Pasture and Hayland Renovation (i.e. different methods and considerations for differing soils and landscape contexts) These events may vary in scale, from online webinars to full day workshops. These education and training opportunities must provide additionality to existing opportunities. The State may consider an expansion of existing education and outreach strategies, conferences, or workshops series that an organization is already planning to host. For example, adding a workshop to an annual conference, adding a pasture walk to a summer pasture series, or expanding a class in an existing professional development course. Task 3: Develop and Facilitate Two Pasture Educational Events for Farmers Under Task 2, Contractor(s) will develop and facilitate at minimum two education, training, and/or peer-to-peer network events for farmers. These events must be organized and facilitated by the contractor, but may involve collaboration with VAAFM, partner organizations, farmers, contractors, and/or grazing consultants. The Contractor will at minimum provide education and/or training events that address the following topics: 1. State & Federal Cost Share Opportunities for Grazing (for farmers) 2. Preparing for the 2025 Grazing Season (i.e. evaluating last year’s successes and challenges, grazing plan, infrastructure needs, weather resiliency and pro-active planning, grant applications) These events may vary in scale, from online webinars to full day workshops. These education and training opportunities must provide additionality to existing opportunities. The State may consider an expansion of existing education and outreach strategies, conferences, or workshops series that an organization is already planning to host. For example, adding a workshop to an annual conference or adding a pasture walk to a summer pasture series.