Specifications include, but are not limited to: D.1Contractor shall provide hourly labor services on an “as needed” basis by Tennessee TechUniversity.D.2Concrete slabs should typically be 6 inches thick for all sidewalks and other flatwork. All slabsshall have ½ inch rebar installed in a 3-foot by 3-foot grid pattern. Rebar should be innerconnectedutilizingplastic“chairs”thatbothconnecttherebarand lift it so that it is in themiddle of the concrete, i.e. not laying on the ground. If poured concrete is adjacent to anyexisting concrete, ½ rebar dowels shall be drilled into the existing concrete within 6 inches ofeach edge and at least every 2 feet in between with a minimum of at least 3 dowels on everyexistingslab.Concretefinishshalltypicallybeabroomfinishonallexteriorslabswith“pictureframed”finish.A3-foot sidewalk shall be picture framed in a 3-foot by 3-foot pattern, a 4-footsidewalk shall be finished in a 4-foot by 4-foot pattern, etc.D.3All interior slabs shall have a troweled smooth finish, unless otherwise specified. A minimumof 4000 psi concrete shall be used in all applications unless otherwise directed by aTennessee Tech representative. A Tennessee Tech representative must approve theconcrete prep before any concrete is poured to ensure that proper application of thespecification have been met.D.4The hourly labor rate shall include all costs associated with providing concrete finishingservices to Tennessee Tech including, but not limited to, travel, meals, lodging, tools andequipment.D.5Labor rate charges shall begin at the time Contractor arrives on job site. Travel time to andfromjobsiteisatContractor’sexpense.EXCEPTION:WheneverworkisdoneattheCraftCenter (off Hwy 56 at Hurricane Bridge near Smithville, TN), Tennessee Tech agrees to allowthe Contractor to charge one (1) extra hour per day per person, in accordance with eachperson’slaborclassification,inordertocoverexpensesincurredasaresultoftraveltimetothe Craft Center.D.6Contractor must contact designed TTU Point of Contact (POC) each day to discuss work statusand staffing levels. Additionally, coordinate with TTU POC in advance when performing anywork to be performed before/outside of regular hours.D.7Contractor must possess a valid Contractor’s license with all applicable classifications andendorsements.D.8Contractor must provide its own tools of the trade. Tennessee Tech will not be responsible forlost or stolen items