The Bozeman WRF MCC Procurement Contract asks a qualified system integrators to provide and commission three (3) Motor Control Center (MCC) assemblies for replacing existing MCCs at the Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility. The MCCs control critical unit processes: BASE BID (MCC 1): Unitrol™ MCC, managing miscellaneous pumps with 4+ motors totaling 73.5 hp. Additional Alternate 1 (MCC 2): Anaerobic digester boiler room, controlling 8+ motors with a total load of 57.4 hp. Additional Alternate 2 (MCC 3): Gravity thickener and secondary clarifiers, controlling 4+ motors with a total load of 2.75 hp. The Seller is responsible for drafting engineering circuitry and wiring diagrams, coordinating with the Engineer and Owner, and procuring, packaging, and delivering all assemblies to the Point of Destination. The contract will be assigned to an electrical contractor for installation of Seller’s equipment, after which time the Seller will coordinate with the Installation Contractor to provide start-up and commissioning services.