Conventional-style cab with tilt fiberglass hood. Wheel-base 210”, 120" CT, minimum 3/8” single frame with a minimum RBM of 2,400,000 and minimum of 120,000 psi per rail frame. Trunion to end of frame to be 80” long. Set Forward Front Axle with shocks and springs or Set Back Axle with extended frame for snowplow. 18,000 pound minimum. Back Axle and springs ---- 40,000 pound minimum. Chalmers suspension with 4 shock absorbers or comparable. Electronic engine 350 Horsepower minimum (Diesel) 1450 minimum torque. Engine must meet current production EPA standards. (List engine details proposed). Engine shall be equipped with an engine jake brake. Particulate filter, outside the frame rail, with a manual activation switch. The urea tank to be mounted on the left side by the fuel tank. Engine coolant block heater. Heater shut-off valves on the engine. Hydraulic power steering. Air compressor, 15.5 CFM minimum. Two batteries with a minimum of 900 CCA each. 160-amp alternator minimum. (28SI) Extended life coolant protected to 40 degrees below zero.